Welcome to my blog, click here to see how to use it :)

There are 10 posts on this blog, click on them to see the full content. After you see everything from that post, go back to the home page.

I know you can click on the post that is below the opened one but don’t do it cause this blog wasn’t made too work that way.

You can click in the post below but then only the same 2 or 3 posts will apear bellow so don’t do it or your glasses will break and if you don’t use glasses then someone will break glasses on you. Feel cursed. >:)

But anyway that´s all, have a good one :)

There is a separate 10-part link all around this blog that you have to figure out and put together in the right order.

You definitely found this by accident and ruined my purpose for the blog. >:(


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